About Me

As a motivated Student striving for excellence in the field of web development, I am currently in the process of obtaining my certification in Full Stack Web Development. Throughout my learning journey, I have acquired an extensive knowledge base in technologies predominantly focusing on the MERN stack - MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js. However, my technical expertise is not limited to these areas; I have a profound understanding of additional tools and languages such as Bootstrap, MySQL, NoSQL, and Progressive Web Applications (PWAs). Furthermore, I am also familiar with programming languages such as Java and C++, and I am continually expanding my knowledge and skills to keep up with current trends and technologies. When I'm not busy coding, I have a passion for all outdoor activities. I believe in maintaining a balanced lifestyle and find it important to spend a few hours a day outside, be it through hiking, fishing, swimming, etc. I am fortunate to have my Golden Retriever, Rosie, as my constant companion on these adventures. As much as I may love the outdoors, I can always count on the fact that she will be that much more excited than I am to take a walk, or head down to the creek.



GitHub: JohnnyQ40

Email: John.g.quaranta@gmail.com